HERE IT IS: *the* dress. . .
It's sleek, it's sexy, it's little. . . it's PERFECT!
The red on the heel is slightly darker than the dress but I don't think it would be that noticeable. These are my "patriotic" shoes :) I like them but I'm not sure if they are the right fit w/ this teeny dress. . .

This is what hubby will get to see me in when we finally see each other at the airport :)
Now, my dilema is deciding which shoes to wear. . .
Here are some of my options:
I think these boots would be adorable, but I'm not sure if they are too big and clunky. I do have sleeker sexier black boots as an option as well.
Or vegas style wedges?
Hmmm...I looove the boots but they might not look exactly right...I bet the black pointy heels would look great too! You should email/text me pictures to help you decide! :-P LOVE ya darlin! :-)